Tool used to install the plastic bag in the banana clusters
The system of polyethilene bags (thin platic coating) fights principally insects like the rust "Trips", eruption "Trips", rust mites and others.
THe constant competitivity of the banana market demands fruits with an outstanding quality. The presence of insects in the plantations constitutes a serios threat because they may cause several diseases.

There are some ways to fight them, but some studies prove that the use of thin plastic coating with insecticide put on direcly in the fruit clusters seems to be themost effective one.

The problem facedby using this method is the hight cost of the workmanship, once it's necessary to use a letter to tie the thin coating.

Another problem is the risk os falis and finding insects and snakes that live in the banana trees.

Because of the problems above mentioned, we developed a light and durable tool where the installation of the plastic bag is something fast, safe and quite simple. The plastic bag remains fixed in the base throught a rubber ring especially developed to allow the natural.

The system of polyethilene bags (thin platic coating) fights principally insects like the rust "Trips", eruption "Trips", rust mites and others.
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